Pinopressure & Slavic Abdominal Massage

Date: 14, 15, 16 February 2025

Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Friday,
9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 

LecturerTomasz Struzik 

On the Friday we'll cover:

  • Ancient Slavic abdominal massage
  • Diagnosis of the viscera
  • Visceral therapy

Saturday and Sunday:

Pinopressure is one of the methods of manual medicine. It was developed in Poland but draws on the achievements of far east acupressure and acupuncture.

Pinopressure is a non invasive method that involves applying pressure and stimulating specific points on the human body using pins which are copper nails and blunt knives (katas). The course prepares you to work independently in the use of the method in the treatment of orthopaedic and neurological conditions as well as in acute and chronic pain syndrome and to combine tool work with manual techniques. Pinopressure is ideal for the elimination of pain: joints and visceral pain, in the musculoskeletal system or discopathy but also by sports injuries.

Tools for the pinopressure course worth €200  are included.

Spaces limited for this workshop

About Tomasz

Tomasz Struzik is the lecturer of the largest Pinopressure therapy school in Poland - the Epitherapy Academy. Tomasz is physiotherapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist and naturopath. He is a graduate of the Levit school of Manual Therapy in Prague and he has gained many years of experience working in hospitals and rehabilitation centres. He has perfected Pinopressure and has became a well known propagator of this method. 

€800,00 EUR